OSU! v 2.1
【测试机型】诺基亚 Lumia 830
《osu!》是一款Microsoft Windows平台上的同人音乐游戏。由Dean Herbert(Peppy)使用.NET Framework中的C#编写,后来陆续在Mac OS、iOS、Android、Windows Phone等平台推出。游玩方式的设计参考了《押忍!战斗!应援团》、《太鼓达人》、《BeatmaniaIIDX》、《O2Jam》和《DJMax》,游戏共有osu!标准模式、osu!taiko、osu!catch以及osu!mania共四种玩法,深受各类音乐游戏玩家的喜爱。
《osu!》 It is a peer music game on Microsoft Windows platform. Used by Dean Herbert (peppy) Net framework, and later successively launched on Mac OS, IOS, Android, Windows Phone and other platforms. The design of play mode refers to "abjure! Fight! Help group", "Taigu Da Ren", "Beatmania IIDX", "O2Jam" and "DJMAX". The game has OSU! Standard mode, OSU! taiko、osu! Catch and OSU! Mania has four playing methods, which are deeply loved by all kinds of music game players.
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