【测试机型】诺基亚 Lumia 830
雪人(The Snowman & The Snowdog Game)》是一款由电影《雪人》衍生的2013贺岁跑酷游戏。这是一款温和的无尽漫步型游戏,雪人在通往北极的神奇之旅中自由翱翔,他们将飞向哪?怎么飞?这一切将由你主宰!您可以通过对角色的控制来引导他们在神奇世界进行精彩纷呈的旅行。在旅程中,您可以收集雪花,躲避障碍物,追赶其他友好的雪人。
The Snowman & the Snowdog game is a 2013 new year Parkour game derived from the movie snowman. This is a gentle endless walking game. Snowmen soar freely in the magical journey to the North Pole. Where will they fly? How to fly? All this will be dominated by you! You can control the characters to guide them on a wonderful journey in the magical world. During the journey, you can collect snowflakes, avoid obstacles and catch up with other friendly snowmen.
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