网易云音乐 V 1.5.0
【测试机型】诺基亚 Lumia 830
网易云音乐(NetEase CloudMusic),是一款由网易开发的音乐产品,是网易杭州研究院的成果,依托专业音乐人、DJ、好友推荐及社交功能,在线音乐服务主打歌单、社交、大牌推荐和音乐指纹,以歌单、DJ节目、社交、地理位置为核心要素,主打发现和分享。
Netease cloudmusic is a music product developed by Netease and the achievement of Netease Hangzhou Research Institute. Relying on professional musicians, DJs, friends' recommendation and social functions, online music services focus on song lists, social networking, big brand recommendation and music fingerprints. With song lists, DJ programs, social networking and geographical location as the core elements, it focuses on discovery and sharing.
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