QQ v
【测试机型】诺基亚 Lumia 830
QQ已经覆盖了Windows、macOS、iPadOS、Android、iOS、Windows Phone、Linux等多种主流平台。其标志是一只戴着红色围巾的小企鹅。腾讯QQ支持在线聊天、视频通话、点对点断点续传文件、共享文件、网络硬盘、自定义面板、QQ邮箱等多种功能,并可与多种通讯终端相连。
QQ has covered windows, MacOS, ipados, Android, IOS, Windows Phone, Linux and other mainstream platforms. Its logo is a little penguin wearing a red scarf. Tencent QQ supports various functions such as online chat, video call, point-to-point and breakpoint continuous transmission of files, shared files, network hard disk, user-defined panel, QQ mailbox and can be connected with a variety of communication terminals.
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